Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Persaingan Rekabentuk Dapur Sederhana NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) di USA 2014

Tempat Pertama Dan Dapur Terbaik

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner-Medium Kitchen 1st Place and Best Kitchen “The Timeless Amethyst” Designed by Tim Scott, XTC Incorporated, Toronto, ON

Tempat Kedua

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner-Medium Kitchen 2nd Place “Sands of Time” Designed by Lauren Levant Bland, Jennifer Gilmer Kitchen & Bath LTD. Chevy Chase, MD.

Tempat Ketiga

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner-Medium Kitchen 3rd Place and HGTV People’s Pick “English Cottage Charm” Designed by Jane Lockhart, Jane Lockhart Interior Design, Toronto, ON.

Sumber: www.pinterest.com/thenkba/2014-nkba-design-competition-winners-revealed/

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Persaingan Rekabentuk Dapur Kecil NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) di USA 2014

Tempat Pertama

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner- Small Kitchen 1st Place “The Antique Jewel Box” Peter Ross Salerno, CMKBD, Peter Salerno, Inc., Wyckoff, NJ

Tempat Kedua

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner- Small Kitchen 2nd Place “Vogue Meets Vintage” Designed by German Brun, LEED AP, Den Architecture, Miami, FL

Tempat Ketiga

2014 NKBA Design Competition Winner- Small Kitchen 3rd Place “The Modern Marvel” Designed by Tim Scott, XTC Design Incorporated., Toronto, ON.

Sumber: www.pinterest.com/thenkba/2014-nkba-design-competition-winners-revealed/

Friday, 10 October 2014

Zon Kerja Segitiga Dapur (Kitchen Work Triangle)

Zon Kerja Segitiga Dapur (Kitchen Work Triangle) adalah garis tiga zon kerja utama dalam dapur iaitu hob, sink dan peti sejuk.  Garis panduan seperti berikut.

1. Jumlah jarak tiga zon tidak melebihi 26 kaki. 
2. Jarak antara zon tidak kurang daripada 4 kaki, tidak melebihi 9 kaki.

Walaubagaimanapun, jarak antara zon bergandung atas ruangan dapur yang ada. 

Sumber: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/90494273737913037/

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Persaingan Rekabentuk Dapur Kecil NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) di USA 2013

Tempat Pertama

1st Place- Small Kitchen ‘In Retrospect’ by Elina Katsioula-Beall, CKD This kitchen, housed in a mid-century modern, post-and-beam gem, was remodeled to reflect its original charm. Photo: Suki Medencevic

Tempat Kedua

2nd Place- Small Kitchen ‘Change of Scene’ by Mark T. White, CKD, CBD A complete change of scene from outdated oak cabinets, tile countertops and plain white appliances, this new kitchen provides all the style and function the client had hoped for. Photo: Phoenix Photographic.

Tempat Ketiga

3rd Place- Small Kitchen ‘Not at All Retiring’ by Jonas Carnemark, CKD With their move to a retirement community, the clients wanted built-in flair and function for years to come Photo: Anice Hoachlander.

Sumber:  www.pinterest.com/thenkba/2013-design-competition/